Member-only story
So often, we are lured into watering down our words, our mission, and our products. We have ambitions to reach everyone, and fears of offending anyone. So we cast a wide net, all the while, forgetting that’s not how the best have succeeded.
This is something I come across with clients all the time. Clarity is hard to come by in a world fueled by passioned pursuit. But ghostwriting for someone without clarity is a headache. So as the first step, with every client, I look to help them generate a deep sense of clarity (if they haven’t already) about what they want to accomplish with our writing.
Because to succeed in writing or business, you must know who you are and what you offer. Why should I hire you? Why should I read your work? What makes you different and better?
[Honest confession: I wouldn’t be writing this if it wasn’t something I am still struggling with. It’s hard not to try to please every person I know with every piece of writing. But my best work is when I’m not trying to do too much or reach too many people at once.]
Instead of give you my own thoughts, I thought I’d turn to some of the great content marketers and writers of our time. The following is a…